Monday, November 22, 2010

Drama Rant. Other rants excluded for now. Besides the bottom sentence.

by a very frustrated Jaime Wu

Rant: this is mostly about kang shin woo and how much i love him. </3 aaaand, how much he's breaking my heart and sending me into some sort of chronic depression. but that might as well be part of the effect of some real problems i have at the moment. -.- SHIN WOOOOOO. D:


Overview - i'm in a depressed mood because of kang shin woo. :'[ it's so unfair. SO UNFAIR, I TELL YOU. and apparently jeremy's part on the bus was supposed to be sad. he nearly cried. was i supposed to cry, too? O_o jeremy's cute, too. :D but he's sad... :[

but stilll... shin woo is totally BREAKING MY HEART INTO A MILLION THROBBING FRAGMENTS[nice imagery there, don't you think i should use that for english class? XP]. i am like, uber-depressed right now because of him. meester kang shin woo, you better stop being so nice and just sock that jerk taekyung in the FACE. he totally deserves it, after doing that with youie. >:( even when taekyung smiles [which was once in seven hours], it looks extremely scary, like he's about to pounce and rip your face off. but honestly, i cry every time that little jerk taekyung grabs minam away from him. SARANG HE, SHINWOO OPPA! <3 don't cry, i love youuu. <3 plus, jeremy's going a little overboard with trying to avoid her.
grrrrr. yeah, go mi nam, go ahead and just fall in love with the jerkface. you HAVE  to reject the sweetest guy in the world, now, don't you? ooh. bad girl, spying on taekyung, now, are you? i just also don't get why she doesn't GET that shin woo's in love with her. geez, even taekyung knows that! >:O clueless girl. shin woo oppa was TOTALLY right when he said that she was clueless. in a story about herself. and she didn't get that the main character in his story, the "clueless girl", was herself! and she said, "well, why didn't he just tell her that he was in love with her?" D'OH! FACEPALM. ignorant girl. he did ALL THOSE THINGS FOR HER, and whaddya know? she falls in love with the SCARY ROBOTIC PERFECTIONIST WHO HATES HER - taekyung. she even said so herself that "what girl wouldn't like a great guy like you?" after he tells her this OTHER story about herself, and how he got "stood up by a girl who just ran off with another guy". oh, yeah, and she HAS  to board with taekyung, right? she can't just move in with shin woo [relax, they're "of age", as you would call it XP], but noooooooo, she just has to move in with taekyung who hates her and makes her sleep on a half a roll of blanket on the floor in the corner of his humongous room because he hates her so much! RAWR.

kay. picture time, peeps. ^^ in order of importance, not awesomeness, mind you.

Scary, even in the good picture to the left - it's Taekyung Hwang, lead singer of the band A.N.Jell. Verbally abuses and is cruel to Go Mi Nam, who takes it and eventually falls in love with him [I can't understand her either]. Diabolical eyes. Very. And the eyeliner doesn't help, either, boy.

Go Mi Nam/Mi Nyu, main character. Mi Nyu masquerades as her twin brother Mi Nam when he goes to the United States to correct a plastic surgery, is accepted into A.N.Jell grudgingly by Taekyung, and kindly received by Jeremy and Shin Woo. In the end, all of the other band members fall for her, but she gets together with Taekyung.

The most popular member of A.N.Jell for his renowned kindness and compassion, Kang Shin Woo is in love with Go Mi Nam from the start, and the first to figure out her true gender. His heart is repeatedly [and unfairly, I might add] broken, as he is always in the way or watching from the rooftop when Taekyung and Mi Nam are together. He isn't the prettiest member [see Jeremy, below], but he is my favorite. <3 Not hot at first sight, but you just fall in love with him, he's too sweet. Just like Yoon Ji Hoo in Boys Over Flowers. <3

The funniest, cutest, and most clueless member of A.N.Jell [except maybe Mi Nam herself], Jeremy is very innocent and has his feelings hurt easily. He also likes Mi Nam, but tries to deny it, thinking that she is a male.

honestly, i'd like to see ONE drama where the main girl doesn't get together with the rich jerk at the end. WHY DO THE PRODUCERS MAKE THE NICE GUY SUCH A HEARTTHROB?! i want one of shin woo. :'[ gahhh. i don't know if it's just me, or maybe shin woo is really sweeter than yoon ji hoo from Boys Over Flowers, but i think ji hoo was probably the sweeter one and i'm all over shin woo right now because it's the drama i'm currently watching. ahhhh. even though shin woo and ji hoo aren't the best looking of the group [okay, so they are second best, after SO EE JUNG AND... er, jeremy? i don't know. i think shin woo's actually pretty good looking, too], they are SO SWEET you just FALL IN LOVE WITH THEMMM. :'] my precious kim bum. <3 hahaha. i haven't ranted about kim bum for an ENTIRE WEEK. aren't you proud of me? :D except that i've been ranting about shin woo and how incredibly sweet he is. Ah! Shin woo saved her! :O
stupid youie.


Statuses/Thoughts While Watching -
HAHAHAHAA. jeremy first waltzing in with his bright pink striped sweatshirt, then getting cream puff filling all over him. so adorable. <3 hahaha seaweed soup for taekyung. make sure there's no shrimp in it, or else he'll think you tried to kill him. :O hahahahaaaa a.n.jell stickers! XD hahaha. i could laugh my head off at cartoon taekyungs. :D AHAHAHA hyung-nim's angry face are on the cartoons, too. LOL. literally.
noooo. please. not. the. playground. scene. DON'T KISS HER, YOU ROBOTIC JERK! hahahaaaa "shin woo hyung pog went further". XD his face. ha. "look! SHIN WOO HYUNG WENT ALL THE WAY OVER THERE! :O" "oh no, jeremy!" hahaa. yay, they didn't kiss! :D i'm happy now.
OOH! THAT [insert censor bleep here]! oh. goodness. that woman abandoned taekyung because she hated him after his father left/died? :O what a heartless woman. that's +1 sympathy points for taekyung. but... shin woo already has six hundred of those. O_o
NOOOOOO I KNEW SHIN WOO WAS WATCHING THEM TOGETHERRRR D: no, no, no! bad go minam! nooooo. you should NOT have hugged that compassionless jerk. shin woo deserves all of your hugs and compassion. >:( i was ABOUT to laugh when i saw shin woo was "already sleeping like the others", but no, he HAS to be watching over her from the rooftop because of his super-sweet personality. RAWR! GO TO SLEEP FOR ONCE, SHINWOO! ahm gettin' frustrated with his niceness. it keeps hurting him. </3
awww. i'm crying. shin woo oppa, sarang he! <3 wow. what a SWEET GUY. even though he said it was hard to be charming like that [maybe. O_o], he did it so she could keep her sanity, i guess. dang! i don't care about her sanity! shin woo oppa deserves any girl he wants! >:(
hahahaa i hate that auntie person 'cause she's probably a fake relative, but i LOVE how she keeps slapping taekyung on the butt even when he gives her dagger-eyes. priceless.
haaaaaa taekyung giving mahoon the deathglare too. and jeremy saying, "whoa! we're on POGS!" jeremy is so cute! :] OOHHHHHHH COMPETITION! wow. they've all fallen for her. CHWHOA.  yayyyyyyy she said she liked the shin woo one the best!
<3 YAY SHINWOO!oooh they're jealous she said that! :D especially taekyung, i can see that. >:P OH. EM. GEE. SHINWOO-SSHI'S SMILE. ADORABLE. sure, it's a minor victory, but shinwoo oppa's smile is SO WORTH IT <3no! manager ma said to keep an eye on minam and shinwoo when they're together! no! never! noooo, this'll convince taekyung for SURE that shinwoo isn't good for her, when they are the DANG BEST POSSIBLE COUPLE!
what? video not found/access denied on episode ten?! noooooo. my life is draining awaayyy....
... got it..
AH YOUIE THAT @#%$^! oh, my, goodnesssss. cheesh. i don't know what's wrong with that girl.
aw, shin woo, you SWEET GUY. <3 buttt, i know that taekyung will beat you to giving her the limes, so i'm depressed already. -.-"
AH, JEREMY, TOO?! he's going to be beaten [or, them both] by that jerk taekyung. awwww, jeremy is sooo cute. <3
aw, great, they're all in the same car! duuuude, they can totally smell each other's limes that each one brought for mi nam. >:( badddd. heheheeee stylist is soooo funny. all the members of a.n.jell looking uncomfortable, especially taekyung, is hilarious. oooh, i knew "auntie" was bad. ahhahahaaaaa
standing up taekyung with ideas of juice and tea by shinwoo and jeremy = epic win
haaaaaaaa taekyung's FACE! gee, why can't she just wake up and see shin woo taking care of her for ONCE IN HER LIFE!?
nooo please don't fall asleep! ah what the heck is taekyung doing in the middle of a field? weirdo. ack, what the heck? haaaaaa taekyung being chased by a wild pig is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. wow. taekyung is scared of rabbits. interesting. haa "rabbits.. are dangerous."
STUPID! "be a good hyung to me"?! that's all?! gahhhh go minam you frustrate me sooo badly. why must you fall for TAEKYUNG HWANG AND NOT KANG SHIN WOO?! cheesh. kang shin woo just made me cry. ;'[ it's a wonder i don't burst out sobbing right now. well, i'm about to...
goo jun pyo [blechblechblech i can't believe i used to like lee min ho!] = taekyung hwang
^ those are the main jerks male roles in the story, the one that the MAIN GIRL FALLS FOR and who totally do not deserve her^
yoon ji hoo <3 = kang shin woo <3
^ the nice guy that is CONSTANTLY considerate and compassionate and sweet and whatever else any normal person would love, gets repeated rejected and stood up for the main guy. aka guardian angels that later get discarded like old rag dolls. :'[ they make me cry. ji hoo is pretty much a human guardian angel, considering that his car is white, his clothes are all white, his horse is white, his tuxedos are white, and his... er... house is white. and his teeth. :D kang shin woo is so sweet you just want to cry every time you look at him. ^
so ee jung <3333333 [mah player boy ;P] and song woo bin = er... i'll just say they're both like jeremy.
^ so ee jung [playboy of the group, played by the IRRESISTIBLE kim bum] is the playboy, the cutest one in the group [which is what i think jeremy is <3] and song woo bin is the most ignored one, the one deprived of the drama of romance [how dramatic. just like song woo bin. he never gets a girl]. sure, jeremy likes minam, but he never really talks to her. not that ee jung oppa and woo bin liked jan di. blech. ^
aaand go mi nam = geum jan di
^ both clueless main girls. that's all you need to know. ^

you have no clue what i've been talking about for the past [insert however long this article has held your attention for]. but it's okay, because i need to vent to someone.


and wow, my sister's freaking out about having to take a semi-cold shower.

comment! :]


ahhhh new favorite quote. "her expression's completely different now that Shin Woo's gone."

Kang Shin Woo! <3 she was completely happy right then, then Manager Ma had to ruin it. Blech! >:(

1 comment:

seabeerants said...

so. yeah. hope that didn't bore you. editing pictures...